
Having experienced, multiple times, the life-changing, painful experience of broken bones, casts, titanium hardware, and orthopedic surgeries, I understand the range of feelings attached to one’s CAST which keeps the broken bones from moving.

The cast is an inconvenient convenience. It sets up the healing process with its soft inner layer and outer hard fiberglass or plaster casing that can drive you up a wall and back.

Throughout wearing the cast, attention is drawn literally – people sign or draw their names and pictures on casts which makes the experience more homey and bearable.

Many people keep their casts to memorialize the experience.

Why not memorialize the experience by recycling your cast into individually designed fine art for your home or office?

I am Dr. Judith Bin-Nun, Ph.D., LMFT, LPCC an Artist and Licensed Psychotherapist in private practice, who artfully will create a one-of-a-kind sculpture from your cast. This is the finest in the recycling process – a creative, fine art whimsy that will be your lifetime art support.

We will plan the creative process of CASTOFFZ together with a special therapeutic planning meeting, in person, phone, or internet visual communication. The shared feelings hidden behind your cast will lead us to an individualized recycled design.

This is not a cast cover or a cast tattoo — this piece of recycled art is inspired by your cast’s shape, features, and personal aesthetic.

Trust me with your cast and you will be delighted with the CASTOFFZ results…containing the entire orthopedic journey in recycled form.
